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Silver Reed

Silver Reed Ltd. is a japanese knitting machine manufacturer. It's the only company that has not discontinued it's production series of home knitting machines. Silver Reed knitting machines have also been distributed under the labels Studio, Singer, Empisal and Knitmaster.


Silver Reed Ltd. began operations as Marukoshi Knitting Machines Ltd. in Tokyo in the 1950s and started the sale of the Model-1 knitting machine in 1952. In 1967 the company name was changed to Silver Seiko Ltd.
It claims to be the first company to sell electronic home knitting machines as early as 1977. Today Silver Seiko has extended its palette to include other home appliances, as well as information equipment and environmental equipment such as air fiters.

Current Products

This is an overview of knitting machines and accessories that are currently sold by Silver Reed.

Knitting Machines

Fine Gauge (3.6mm)

Standard Gauge (4.5mm)

Mid Gauge (6.5mm)


Older Products

Older machines and accessories are not sold by Silver Reed any longer. Nevertheless you may still obtain most of them for reasonable prices at knitting machine trade & repair shops or at Ebay.




Knit Contour

Intarsia Carriage

Lace Carriage

Yarn Changer


Pattern Computers

Cable Links


wiki/silver_reed.txt · Last modified: 2009/01/19 12:21 by magisterludi
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